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Lesson Schedule

Level 1 is for those who are just starting to learn the dance.  During spring and fall semesters Level 1 repeats every six weeks where new dancers are allowed to join the class the first and second weeks.  


** NEW FOR Fall 2019:  Your first 6 weeks Beginner lessons are FREE.

Beginner (Level 1) students who are new to the club's lessons

are free for their first 6 weeks!

[This offer may only be used once per person]



Level 2 classes are for those who already know the basic steps of West Coast

(i.e. side passes, sugar push, whip, starter step, and tuck turn)

and received instructor permission  to move up from Level 1.  

Currently each Level 2 lesson is a "workshop" stand-alone class, not necessarily part of a sequence. Level 2 participants are encouraged to stay for the Level 1 class that follows it to continue to work on their own basics and help out with the new students.


Your first lesson is FREE!​



Spring 2020 Classes cancelled



  **  Corona Virus Update  (March 13, 2020) **

 **  Our lessons and social dances

             are cancelled until further notice

               per TAMU policy and guidance.  


We look forward to dancing with you again in the future, and we hope to provide some online resources soon 

    to help you practice and improve your dancing.





Lesson dates (Wednesdays for 6 weeks): 


Second 6 weeks:

Mar  Apr 

Social dance on Apr 


Lesson times:

8:00pm:  sign-in & warmup for L2

8:15pm:  Level 2 Lesson

9:00pm:  sign-in & warmup for L1 (Beginners)

9:15pm:  Level 1 Lesson (Beginners)

10:00 to 10:50pm - Social Dancing



Lesson Prices:

  Students (College and K-12)** 

  either $7 each Wednesday,

$20 for a 6 week membership,

  or $30 for a Fall membership* (12 weeks)



  either $10 each Wednesday,

$30 for a 6 week membership,

  or $40 for a Fall membership* (12 weeks).


NOTE: TruFit club members

have free access to AggieWesties group classes 

taught at TruFit - just show your TruFit keytag when you sign in!


*AggieWesties members also receive free admission to our

social dance events during the semester.


** NEW FOR Fall 2019:  Your first 6 weeks lessons are free (one time).

Beginner (Level 1) students who are new to the club's WCS lessons

are free for their first 6 weeks!

This offer can only be used once per person.





   TruFit Athletic Club

   1900 West Villa Maria Road  (approx 3 miles from campus)

   Bryan, TX  77807     




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