L3 Lessons on Tuesdays
at Moonlight Dance Floor
Level 3 (L3) WCS Lessons available on Tuesday nights at Moonlight Dance Floor!
Suma & Scott are excited to announce L3 lessons
from 8:30-9:30pm on Tuesdays at the Moonlight Studio in Bryan.
What: a higher level WCS class
with focus on technique, concepts, musicality, and advanced patterns.
Mastery of L1 and L2 material is expected.
Please see Prerequisites below
each L3 lesson is a "workshop" stand-alone class,
not necessarily part of a sequence
(so you can just drop in anytime).
When: 8:30pm - 9:30pm Tuesday nights (night before every Wed night lesson)
see lesson dates on our LESSONS page,
or the AW calendar page
Moonlight Dance Floor
1865 Briarcrest Dr, Bryan, TX 77802 Map
​Cost: $5/night same price for students, adults, everyone
(this class is a separate cost from the Wed night classes)
Attendance is by audition only with either Scott or Suma.
You must receive instructor permission to move up from Level 2
Q: How do I know I'm ready for L3??
A: L3 criteria we look for include
Leads: actively leading follow forward with body lead, relaxed/toned frame, prep and spin leads, closed position, not rough or over hand-leading.
Follows: staying back, relaxed/toned frame, prepping to turn, balance.
Timing: staying on beat much of the time, leading turns with appropriate timing
Teamwork: ability to adjust to partner, follow listening to what is led
Basic Musicality
Mastery of L1 basics
Mastery of much of L2 basics (minimum of 1 semester, preferably 2): cut offs, spinning left side pass, folds, roll in roll out, zouk under arm turn, slingshot, running tuck, rock and go, anchor variations, reverse whip, hustle whip? Hip catch?
Demonstrated desire to learn moves AND technique AND concepts. Willingness to work on their dance
Other Indicators: regular or frequent attendance at AW lessons and socials, attendance at outside events or regional dances, taking privates from pros we bring in